Mark Jensen

Professor, Chemistry
Jerry and Tina Grandey University Chair in Nuclear Science and Engineering

Mark Jensen


312B Coolbaugh Hall
(303) 273 3785
Fax: (303) 273 3629

Professor Jensen’s research interests are focused on the nuclear fuel cycle, ranging from mechanisms of selectivity in chemical separations to biologically-based metal separations and the biochemistry and environmental chemistry of the transuranium elements. Mark has been studying the chemistry of the actinide and lanthanide elements as a scientist in the Heavy Element Chemistry and Separation Science Group at Argonne National Laboratory for the past twenty years. He received his Ph.D. in Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry from Florida State University.


  • BS – Bethel College, St. Paul
  • PhD – Florida State University
  • Postdoctoral Study – Argonne National Laboratory

Research Areas

Professor Jensen’s research interests are focused on the nuclear fuel cycle, ranging from mechanisms of selectivity in chemical separations to biologically-based metal separations and the biochemistry and environmental chemistry of the transuranium elements.  Mark has been studying the chemistry of the actinide and lanthanide elements as a scientist in the Heavy Element Chemistry and Separation Science Group at Argonne National Laboratory for the past twenty years. He received his Ph.D. in Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry from Florida State University.


  • Aqueous Complexes for Efficient Size-based Separation of Americium from Curium M. P. Jensen, R. Chiarizia, I. A. Shkrob, J. S. Ulicki, B. D. Spindler, D. J. Murphy, M. Hossain, A. Roca-Sabio, C. Platas-Iglesias, A. de Blas, T. Rodríguez-Blas, Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 53, 6003-6012.
  • A protein engineered to selectively bind uranyl with femtomolar affinity, L. Zhou, M. Bosscher, C. Zhang, S. Özçubukçu, L. Zhang, W. Zhang, C. J. Li, J. Liu, M. P. Jensen, L. Lai, C. He, Nature Chemistry 2014, 6, 236-241.
  • Ionic Liquid Based Separations of Trivalent Lanthanide and Actinide Ions I. A. Shkrob, T. W. Marin, M. P. Jensen, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 2014, 53, 3641-3653.
  • Complexation of Neptunium(V) with Bacillus subtilis Endospore Surfaces and their Exudates D. Gorman-Lewis, M. P. Jensen, Z. R. Harrold, M. R. Hertel, Chemical Geology, 2013, 341, 75-83.
  • Engineering Bacterial Two-Component System PmrA/PmrB to Sense Lanthanide IonsH. Liang, X. Deng, M. Bosscher, Q. Ji, M. P. Jensen, C. He, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 2037-2039.
    (Featured in Feb. 18, 2013 C & E News Science and Technology Concentrates)
  • Submicron Hard X-ray Imaging of Synthetic Elements M. P. Jensen, B. P. Aryal, D. Gorman-Lewis, T. Paunesku, B. Lai, S. Vogt, G. E. Woloschak, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012, 722, 21-28.
  • A Proteomic Approach to Identification of Plutonium Binding Proteins in Mammalian Cells, B. P. Aryal, T. Paunesku, G. E. Woloschak, C. He, M. P. Jensen, Journal of Proteomics, 2012, 75, 1505-1514.
  • An Iron-dependent and Transferrin-mediated Cellular Uptake Pathway for Plutonium, M. P. Jensen, D. Gorman-Lewis, B. Aryal, T. Paunesku, S. Vogt, P. G. Rickert, S. Seifert, B. Lai, G. E. Woloschak, L. Soderholm, Nature Chemical Biology, 2011, 7, 560-565. (News item in C&E News, Chemistry World, Research in Chemical Toxicology, and newspapers, news sites, and blogs worldwide)
  • Selective Recognition of Americium by Peptide-Based Reagents S. Özçubukçu, K. Mandal, S. Wegner, M. P. Jensen, C. He, Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50, 7937-7939.
  • Direct Determination of the Intracellular Oxidation State of Plutonium D. Gorman-Lewis, B. P. Aryal, T. Paunesku, S. Vogt, B. Lai, G. E. Woloschak, M. P. Jensen, Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50, 7591-7597.
  • Do Aqueous Ternary Complexes Influence the TALSPEAK Process? C. J. Leggett, G. Liu, M. P. Jensen, Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 2010, 28, 313-334.

Mark Jensen Google Scholar Citation List