Frequently Asked Questions
Are there tracks for the Energy Minor?
No. We accept a wide variety of electives that include courses on renewable energy, fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and general topics.
How many credit hours can be double-counted for my degree?
You can double-count up to 9 credit hours. The remaining 9 credit hours can come from free electives and other courses.
When should I declare the Minor?
We recommend declaring the Minor as soon as you decide you want to pursue it. This ensures you get the courses you need to complete the Minor before graduation. To begin this process, complete the Declaration of Minor Form and sumbit to your advisor. More detailed steps are located on this website under the How to Apply/Declare tab.
How can I learn more about energy issues at Mines?
Sign up on the Home Page to be added to the Energy Minor and sustainable energy email list. You do not have to declare the Minor to join the list. If you have further questions, email Dr. Hancock (